UCAC team members

Project Leader T.J. Rafferty tjr@usno.navy.mil
Principle Investigator N. Zacharias nz@usno.navy.mil
Quality Control M.I. Zacharias miz@usno.navy.mil
Proper Motions Lead S.E. Urban seu@usno.navy.mil
Proper Motions G. Wycoff glw@usno.navy.mil
Archiving D. M. Hall dmh@usno.navy.mil
Instrument Shop J.W. Pohlman jwp@usno.navy.mil
Operations software E.R. Holdenried (consulting to USNO)
Instrumentation M. Germain (no longer at USNO)
CTIO observer D. Castillo (now at the Magellan Telescope)
CTIO observer M. Martinez (now to ESO, La Silla)
CTIO observer S. Pizarro (now at CTIO)
observer at NOFS T. Tilleman redlens@nofs.usno.navy.mil
observer at NOFS D. Marcello redlens@nofs.usno.navy.mil
observer at NOFS S. Potter (no longer at USNO)

We would like to thank the following people...

F.S. Gauss for initiating, budgeting and supporting this project in its early years, as former department head,

J.Hughes, Chr. de Vegt for getting a new, red-lens for the astrograph, and promoting its use,

L.Winter for providing the basis of the pixel reduction software,

T.E.Corbin for supporting this project as supervisor and former division head,

M.Smith, K.P.Seidelmann for working out the Memorandum of Understanding between USNO and CTIO,

O.Saa and the entire CTIO staff for the great support on the mountain,

D.Monet for making the USNO A2.0 and Yellow Sky catalogs.

G.Sims from Spectral Instruments for his great support with our 4k camera.

Bill J. Gray from Project Pluto for customizing the GUIDE software.