PROGRAM u4access C C g77 -o u4access u4access.f u4sub.f C C - top level program to access original UCAC4 binary data zone files C - extract all items for stars in selected areas (RA, Dec box, mag range) C - formatted (ASCII) output table, various format options C - officieal UCAC4 star designation = zone numb + run ID along zone C C use Fortran unit 13 to auxiliary data and zone files C use Fortran unit 20 for output file (or screen dump) C C 111228/29 NZ taken from UCAC2, lots of updates C 120111 NZ taken from u4access.f, fmt = 5 = MPOS for RORF, list of fields C 120131 NZ option enter degree for list of targets, split subr. C 120321 NZ u4sub.f includes sorti.f; hpmd array with parameter (UCAC4 vers.4) C 120711 NZ allow degree input also with interactive mode IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER zmax,bmax, dimj, dima, dimh PARAMETER (zmax= 900 ! largest zone number . ,bmax=1440 ! numb. bins along RA for index . ,dimj= 59 ! all data items + upd. pos,err + ID numbers . ,dima= 90000 ! max.numb. stars in a box . ,dimh= 99) ! max.numb. of HPM stars from external file INTEGER alls(dima,dimj) ! all data all selected star INTEGER x0 (zmax,bmax) ! index = accumul.numb.stars f(zone,RA bin) INTEGER hpmd(dimh,5) ! HPM data from extra table INTEGER fmto INTEGER i,j,jp,is,zn, nsr,nss,errc, uo, rah,ram,dcd,dcm . ,un,ic1, nst, ntgt, nh REAL*8 ra1,ra2,dc1,dc2,ra0,dc0,ras,dcs,mag1,mag2, newep,wra,wdc CHARACTER*40 pathz,fnxu,fnhpm, fnout, answer, fnlst CHARACTER*1 a1, lstfmt LOGICAL bf, was, negdec * defaults pathz = '/d3/temp/side2/u4b/' ! path to relase files on HDD CC pathz = '/mnt/dvd/u4z/' ! CDROM at my Linux box CC pathz = 'D:\u4\' ! sample path for Windows, CD-ROM drive fnxu = '/d3/temp/side1/u4i/u4index.unf' fnhpm = '/d3/temp/side1/u4i/u4hpm.dat' fnout = '' ra1 = 0.0d0 ra2 = 24.0d0 dc1 = -90.0d0 dc2 = -89.9d0 mag1 = -2.0d0 mag2 = 21.0d0 newep = 2000.0d0 wra = 1.0d0 wdc = 0.2d0 fmto = 1 was = .FALSE. ! width in arcsec, else degree bf = .FALSE. ! byte flip needed un = 13 ! Fortran unit number for zone files is = 0 ! sort by column number (0 = no sort) ic1 = 1 ! first column to sort by nst = 0 ! sum up total numb. stars output ntgt = 0 ! number of targets from list file * interactive: basic data, common for entire run of program WRITE (*,'(/a)') 'Program to access UCAC4 release data' WRITE (*,'( a)') ' hit "enter" for defaults' WRITE (*,'( a)') 'option: loop through several areas possible,' WRITE (*,'( a)') ' however, output with single format to single' WRITE (*,'( a)') ' file per run of this program only' WRITE (*,'( a)') 'wrap around 24/0h RA allowed' WRITE (*,'(/a)') 'path for binary UCAC4 zone files = ' WRITE (*,'(a,$)') pathz READ (*,'(a)') answer IF (answer.NE.' ') pathz = answer WRITE (*,'(/a)') 'binary data are stored in PC-style sequence' WRITE (*,'( a)') 'some computers (UNIX-style) need a byteflip' WRITE (*,'(a,l1,a,$)') 'byte flip (true/false) ? ',bf,' ' READ (*,'(a)') a1 IF (a1.NE.' ') READ (a1,*) bf WRITE (*,'(/a)') 'full path and file name of unform. index =' WRITE (*,'(a,$)') fnxu READ (*,'(a)') answer IF (answer.NE.' ') fnxu = answer WRITE (*,'(/a)') 'full path and file name for high PM stars=' WRITE (*,'(a,$)') fnhpm READ (*,'(a)') answer IF (answer.NE.' ') fnhpm = answer WRITE (*,'(/a)') ' fmt = 1 = all original integers' WRITE (*,'( a)') ' fmt = 2 = updated RA, Dec (degree) PM..' WRITE (*,'( a)') ' fmt = 3 = updated RA, Dec (hms) photom..' WRITE (*,'( a)') ' fmt = 4 = updated RA, Dec (h,d) short' WRITE (*,' (a)') ' fmt = 5 = MPOS for RORF ref.stars' WRITE (*,' (a)') ' fmt = ... user defined in subr. put_stars' WRITE (*,'(a,i2,a,$)') 'format for output = ',fmto,' ' READ (*,'(a)') answer IF (answer.NE.' ') READ (answer,*) fmto WRITE (*,'(/a)') 'file name output table or "s" = screen dump ' WRITE (*,'(a,$)') fnout READ (*,'(a)') answer IF (answer.NE.' ') fnout = answer WRITE (*,'(/a)') . 'select apert. magnitude range (UCAC mags, -2..21 = all):' WRITE (*,'(2f7.2,a,$)') mag1, mag2,' ' READ (*,'(a)') answer IF (answer.NE.' ') READ (answer,*) mag1,mag2 IF (fmto.GT.1) THEN WRITE (*,'(/a)') . 'update positions for proper motions to new epoch' WRITE (*,'( a)') '2000.0 is default = original UCAC4' WRITE (*,'(f7.2,a,$)') newep,' ' READ (*,'(a)') answer IF (answer.NE.' ') READ (answer,*) newep ENDIF WRITE (*,'(/a)') 'see readme4.txt for all items' WRITE (*,'( a)') ' 0 = no sort = default' WRITE (*,'( a)') ' 1 = sort by col. 1 = RA ' WRITE (*,'( a)') ' 2 = sort by col. 2 = Dec' WRITE (*,'( a)') ' 4 = sort by UCAC apert.mag' WRITE (*,'( a)') ' ...' WRITE (*,'( a)') ' 53 = sort by UCAC4 ID number' WRITE (*,'(a,i2,a,$)') 'sort by column number: ',is,' ' READ (*,'(a)') answer IF (answer.NE.' ') READ (answer,*) is * read HPM star data CALL gethpm (fnhpm,hpmd,dimh,nh) * read index file (900 x 1440 x 4 byte) WRITE (*,'(/a,a)') 'open index file = ',fnxu OPEN (un,FILE=fnxu,ACCESS='direct',RECL=5184000) READ (un,REC=1) x0 C OPEN (un,FILE=fnxu,ACCESS='direct',RECL=5760) ! 1440 * 4 byte C DO zn=1,zmax C READ (un,REC=zn,ERR=901) (x0(zn,j),j=1,bmax) C ENDDO CLOSE(un) WRITE (*,'(a)') 'index read successfully' DO zn=1,4 WRITE (*,'(a,6i6)') 'zn, x0...=',zn,(x0(zn,j),j=1,5) ENDDO IF (bf) THEN CALL x0_byte_flip (x0,zmax,bmax) ! apply byte flip if needed ENDIF * prepare table output IF (fnout.EQ.'s') THEN uo = 6 ELSE uo = 20 OPEN (uo,FILE=fnout) ENDIF * input list or interactive WRITE (*,'(/a,$)') 'list of centers or blank for interactive: ' READ (*,'(a)') fnlst WRITE (*,'(a,$)') '(h) = hms format, (d) = decimal degree ' READ (*,'(a)') lstfmt IF (fnlst.NE.' ') THEN OPEN (12,FILE=fnlst) WRITE (*,'(/a,2f7.3,a,$)') . 'width of box RA*cosD, Dec [degree] =',wra,wdc,' ' READ (*,'(a)') answer IF (answer.NE.' ') READ (answer,*) wra,wdc ENDIF * loop boxes 101 CONTINUE IF (fnlst.EQ.' ') THEN WRITE (*,'(/a,$)') '== new box: r=range, c=center, q=quit ' READ (*,'(a)') a1 IF (a1.EQ.'r'.OR.a1.EQ.'R') THEN WRITE (*,'(a,2f8.4,a,$)') 'RA (hour) = ',ra1,ra2,' ' READ (*,'(a)') answer IF (answer.NE.' ') READ (answer,*) ra1,ra2 WRITE (*,'(a,2f8.3,a,$)') 'Dec (deg) = ',dc1,dc2,' ' READ (*,'(a)') answer IF (answer.NE.' ') READ (answer,*) dc1,dc2 ELSEIF (a1.EQ.'c'.OR.a1.EQ.'C') THEN WRITE (*,'(2a)') 'width in degree or enter "a" for arcsec' . ,' after values' WRITE (*,'(a,2f7.3,a,$)') . 'width of box RA*cosD, Dec =',wra,wdc,' ' READ (*,'(a)') answer j = INDEX(answer,'a') IF (j.GT.0) THEN was = .TRUE. answer (j:j) = ' ' ELSE was = .FALSE. ENDIF IF (answer.NE.' ') THEN READ (answer,*) wra,wdc IF (was) THEN wra = wra / 3.6d3 ! arcsec to degree wdc = wdc / 3.6d3 ENDIF ENDIF IF (wra.LE.0.0d0.OR.wdc.LE.0.0d0) GOTO 101 IF (lstfmt.EQ.'h') THEN WRITE (*,'(a,$)') 'center RA (hms), Dec (dms) = ' READ (*,'(a)') answer CALL str2deg (answer,ra0,dc0) ! [degree] both CALL calc_box (ra0,dc0,wra,wdc,ra1,ra2,dc1,dc2) WRITE (*,'(2f10.6,2f10.5)') ra1,ra2,dc1,dc2 ELSE WRITE (*,'(a,$)') 'center RA (deg), Dec (deg) = ' READ (*,*) ra0,dc0 ! degree WRITE (*,'(a,4f12.6)') 'ra0,dc0 = ',ra0,dc0, wra,wdc CALL calc_box (ra0,dc0,wra,wdc,ra1,ra2,dc1,dc2) ENDIF ELSE GOTO 99 ! exit interactive loop ENDIF ELSE ! read centers from list file IF (lstfmt.EQ.'h') THEN READ (12,'(a)',END=99) answer ! hms format CALL str2deg (answer,ra0,dc0) CALL calc_box (ra0,dc0,wra,wdc,ra1,ra2,dc1,dc2) ELSE READ (12,*,END=99) ra0,dc0 ! degree WRITE (*,'(a,4f12.6)') 'ra0,dc0 = ',ra0,dc0, wra,wdc CALL calc_box (ra0,dc0,wra,wdc,ra1,ra2,dc1,dc2) ENDIF ntgt = ntgt + 1 WRITE (*,'(/a,2f10.6,2f10.5)') 'new field:', ra1,ra2,dc1,dc2 ENDIF * output info IF (fmto.NE.5.AND.fnlst.EQ.' ') THEN WRITE (uo,'(/a, f10.3)') 'epoch = ',newep WRITE (uo,'( a, i10 )') 'sort item = ',is WRITE (uo,'( a, i10 )') 'output fmt = ',fmto WRITE (uo,'( a,2f10.2)') 'mag range = ',mag1,mag2 WRITE (uo,'( a,f10.6,f10.5)') 'min RA, Dec= ',ra1,dc1 WRITE (uo,'( a,f10.6,f10.5)') 'max RA, Dec= ',ra2,dc2 ENDIF * get stars CALL get_stars (bf,ra1,ra2,dc1,dc2,mag1,mag2, hpmd,dimh,nh . ,newep,pathz,x0,zmax,bmax,dima,dimj . ,alls,nss,nsr,errc) WRITE (*,'(a,3i7)') . 'stars read, selected, eofile = ',nsr,nss,errc * sort IF ( THEN WRITE (*,'(a,i6)') 'start sort by column = ',is C WRITE (*,'(5i7)') is,ic1,nss,dima,dimj CALL sorti (alls,is,dimj,ic1,nss,dima,dimj) ENDIF * output CALL put_stars (ntgt,newep,alls,dima,dimj,nss,fmto,uo) WRITE (*,'(a,i6,a)') 'output complete for ',nss,' stars' nst = nst + nss GOTO 101 ! more boxes * the end 901 WRITE (*,'(a)') 'error in reading index file' STOP 99 CONTINUE WRITE (*,'(/a,i8)') 'total numb. stars output = ',nst WRITE (*,'(a/)') 'thanks for using , have a nice day!' END ! main ************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE str2deg (answer,ra0,dc0) C C input : answer = string with RA, Dec in hms format C output: ra0,dc0= RA, Dec [degree] C C 120323 NZ fix ra0 [degree] IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) answer REAL*8 ra0,dc0, ras,dcs INTEGER rah,ram,dcd,dcm, j LOGICAL negdec j = INDEX (answer,'-') IF (j.GT.0) THEN negdec = .TRUE. answer (j:j) = ' ' ELSE negdec = .FALSE. ENDIF READ (answer,*) rah,ram,ras, dcd,dcm,dcs ra0 =(rah + ram/60.0d0 + ras/3.6d3) * 15.0d0 ! hour,min,sec -> degree dc0 = dcd + dcm/60.0d0 + dcs/3.6d3 ! -> decimal degree IF (negdec) dc0 = -dc0 IF (ra0.LT. 0.0d0.OR.ra0.GT.360.0d0.OR. . dc0.LT.-90.0d0.OR.dc0.GT. 90.0d0) THEN WRITE (*,'(/a)') 'error ' WRITE (*,'(a)') answer WRITE (*,'(2f12.6)') ra0,dc0 STOP ENDIF END ! subr. ************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE calc_box (rad,dcd,wra,wdc,ra1,ra2,dc1,dc2) C C input : rad,dcd= RA, Dec [degree] C wra = width of box [degree] along RA (*cosDec) C wdc = width of box [degree] along Dec C output: ra1,ra2= range in RA [hour] C dc1,dc2= range in Declination [degree] IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8 rad,dcd, wra,wdc, ra1,ra2,dc1,dc2, rah REAL*8 degrad, cosdec, hwr,hwd, ras,dcs degrad = DATAN (1.0d0) / (4.5d1) ! degree to radian cosdec = DCOS (dcd * degrad) rah = rad / 15.0d0 ! degree -> hour hwr = wra / (cosdec * 30.0d0) ! half width in hour for RA hwd = wdc / 2.0d0 ! half width in Dec ra1 = rah - hwr ra2 = rah + hwr IF (ra1.LT. 0.0d0) ra1 = ra1 + 24.0d0 IF (ra2.GT.24.0d0) ra2 = ra2 - 24.0d0 dc1 = dcd - hwd dc2 = dcd + hwd END ! subr. ************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE get_stars (bf,ra1,ra2,dc1,dc2,mag1,mag2, hpmd,dimh,nh . ,newep,pathz,x0,zmax,bmax,dima,dimj . ,alls,nss,nsr,errc) C C get all data items for all stars within specified RA,Dec box and mag range C C input : bf = .TRUE. if flip of bytes is required C ra1,ra2 = RA range (hour, decimal) C dc1,dc2 = declination range (degree, decimal) C mag1,mag2= range aperture magnitude C hpmd(dimh,5) = supplement data for high proper motion stars C dimh,nh = dimension, actual number of HPM stars to use C newep = requested epoch for positions (year) C pathz = path name for UCAC4 zone files C x0 (zmax,bmax) = index array = f(zone, RA bin) C = run along indiv. zone only = 1st star of bin - 1 C zmax = largest zone number (0.2 deg steps from South Pole) C bmax = largest bin along RA (0.25 deg steps = 1 arcmin) C dima = max. number of stars to retrieve C dimj = number of items per star incl. updated pos.+error C C output: alls(dima,dimj) = all items for all retrieved stars C nss = number of stars selected = within specified box C nsr = number of star records read from zone files C errc = number of errors while reading zone files IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER dimc PARAMETER (dimc = 53) ! numb. columns (data items from file) LOGICAL bf REAL*8 ra1,ra2,dc1,dc2, mag1,mag2, newep CHARACTER*(*) pathz INTEGER zmax,bmax,dima,dimj, nb, nsr,nss,errc, dimh,nh INTEGER x0 (zmax,bmax) ! accumul.numb.stars = f(zone,RA bin) INTEGER hpmd(dimh,5) ! supplem. data for very high PM stars INTEGER alls(dima,dimj) ! all integer data each star INTEGER idat(dimc) ! data items individual star INTEGER i,j,zn,rr,uz, d1m,d2m,z1,z2,nz, mi1,mi2 . ,r1m(2),r2m(2),i1(2),i2(2),nr, j1,j2, recn . ,ran,dcn, sxn,syn, sd1,sd2 REAL*8 masrad CHARACTER*40 fnzone LOGICAL errflg * prepare IF (dimj.LT.59) THEN WRITE (*,'(a)') 'error need dimj >= 59' STOP ENDIF mi1 = IDNINT (mag1 * 1.0d3) ! from R*8 magnitudes mi2 = IDNINT (mag2 * 1.0d3) ! to I*4 [milli-mag] masrad = DATAN (1.0d0) / (4.5d1*3.6d6) ! mas to radian * calculate range CALL get_zone_range (dc1,dc2,zmax,d1m,d2m,z1,z2,nz) WRITE (*,'(a,2i5,2i11)') '=== z1,2,d1,2 = ',z1,z2,d1m,d2m sd1 = d1m + 324000000 ! Dec -> SPD [mas] sd2 = d2m + 324000000 IF (nz.LT.1) THEN nss = 0 RETURN ! exit, declination invalid ENDIF CALL get_ra_range (ra1,ra2,r1m,r2m,i1,i2,nr) WRITE (*,'(a,4i11)') '=== r1m,2 = ',r1m,r2m WRITE (*,'(a,4i11)') '=== i1,i2 = ',i1,i2 * initialize uz = 13 ! unit number for zone files nsr = 0 nss = 0 errc= 0 * loop all zones DO zn = z1,z2 WRITE (*,'(a,i3)') 'open file for zone = ',zn CALL open_zfile (pathz,uz,zn,fnzone) WRITE (*,'(a)') fnzone * rr = 1 or 2 = numb. of RA ranges, normal=1, else crossover 24/0 hour * i1,i2 = 1,...,1440 = bin number (0.25 deg) along RA * j1,j2 = 1,... many = record number on individ. zone file (1 record = 1 star) * x0(..)= j - 1 for that zone and RA bin DO rr = 1,nr ! 1 or 2 RA ranges possible errflg = .FALSE. ! reset, no end of file encountered yet j1 = x0 (zn,i1(rr)) + 1 ! record numb. of 1st star along zone file IF (i2(rr).GE.1440) THEN ! last RA bin included for output j2 = 999000 ! read till end of zone file ELSE j2 = x0 (zn,i2(rr)+1) ! index of next bin = last star of prev. ENDIF WRITE (*,'(a,i3,3i5,2i9)') . 'zn, rr,i1,i2, j1,j2 = ',zn,rr,i1(rr),i2(rr),j1,j2 DO recn= j1,j2 CALL getistar (uz,recn,bf,errflg,idat,dimc) IF (errflg) THEN errc = errc + 1 ! count read errors = end of files encountered GOTO 91 ELSE nsr = nsr + 1 ! count number of stars read IF (idat(4).GE.mi1.AND.idat(4).LE.mi2) THEN ! apert.mag range IF (idat(1).GE.r1m(rr).AND.idat(1).LE.r2m(rr).AND. . idat(2).GE.sd1.AND.idat(2).LE.sd2) THEN nss = nss + 1 IF (nss.GT.dima) THEN WRITE (*,'(/a,i8)') . 'WARNING: too many stars, take first dima =',dima RETURN ENDIF IF (idat(15).EQ.32767) THEN ! look up real PM for DO j=1,nh ! those very HPM stars IF (idat(51).EQ.hpmd(j,1)) THEN ! unique star ID number idat(15) = hpmd(j,4) ! PM RA*cosDec idat(16) = hpmd(j,5) ! PM Dec GOTO 300 ENDIF ENDDO ! loop all supplem. data very high PM stars WRITE (*,'(a,i9)') 'error HPM not found =',idat(51) STOP 300 CONTINUE ENDIF DO j=1,dimc ! all data columns alls (nss,j) = idat(j) ENDDO CALL apply_pm (idat,newep,masrad, ran,dcn,sxn,syn) alls (nss,54) = ran alls (nss,55) = dcn alls (nss,56) = sxn alls (nss,57) = syn alls (nss,58) = zn ! zone number alls (nss,59) = recn ! running record numb. along zone ENDIF ! within box ENDIF ! within mag range ENDIF ! case read o.k. or error ENDDO ! all stars within a zone 91 CONTINUE ! end of zone file WRITE (*,'(a,i2,2i6)') '=== rr,nsr,nss = ',rr,nsr,nss ENDDO ! 1 or 2 RA ranges ENDDO ! all zones END ! subr. ************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE put_stars (ntgt,newep,alls,dima,dimj,nss,fmto,uo) C C input : ntgt = number of target (from list) or 0 C newep = epoch of position data C alls = array with selected stars C dima = max.numb. of stars C dimj = number of items per star C nss = number of selected stars C fmto = format modus for output (= 1 to 4 here) C uo = Fortran unit number for output file C output : items to file with unit number uo (can be screen = std.out) C header for ntgt <= 1 IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER dima,dimj,nss, fmto,uo INTEGER alls(dima,dimj) INTEGER ntgt,i,j, nrj,spd,ep97, nmag,area,wdsf, dnn,hstf,badf REAL*8 newep,magm,maga, epr,epd, pmr,pmrc,pmd . ,ran,dcn, magj, magh, magk, epmr,epmd . ,magb,magv,magg,magr,magi CHARACTER*13 cra,cdc * header line IF (ntgt.LE.1) THEN IF (fmto.EQ.1) THEN WRITE (uo,'(/2i10,2i6,i3,i2,i3,2i4,3i3,2i6,2i7,2i4 . ,i11,3i6,6i3,5i6,5i4,i3,9i2,2i3,i10,i4,i7)') . (j,j=1,53) WRITE (uo,'(7a)') ' RA SPD' . ,' momag apmag sm o ds sra sdc nt ns nc' . ,' cepra cepdc pmrac pmdc spr spd 2MASSid' . ,' Jmag Hmag Kmag Ji Hi Ki Je He Ke' . ,' Bmag Vmag gmag rmag imag Ber Ver ger rer ier' . ,' gc T A B H Z U L N S le 2x uniqueID U2z U2rsn' . ,' U4z U4rsn' ELSEIF (fmto.EQ.2) THEN WRITE (uo,'(/3a)') ' RA (deg) DE (deg)' . ,' momag apmag eRA eDE epRA epDC' . ,' pmRAcD pmDE epmR epmD uniqueID U4z U4rsn' ELSEIF (fmto.EQ.3) THEN WRITE (uo,'(/3a)') ' RA DE' . ,' eRA eDE na nu nc momag mamag Jmag Hmag Kmag' . ,' Bmag Vmag gmag rmag imag uniqueID U4z U4rsn' ELSEIF (fmto.EQ.4) THEN WRITE (uo,'(/2a)') ' RA (hour) DE (deg)' . ,' apmag eRA eDE U4z U4rsn' ELSEIF (fmto.EQ.5) THEN WRITE (*,'(a,i6)') 'output nss = ',nss ELSE WRITE (*,'(a,i3)') '** invalid format fmto = ',fmto RETURN ENDIF ENDIF ! header only for 1st target from list or interactive cases * table with data DO i=1,nss IF (fmto.EQ.1) THEN ! all original integer WRITE (uo,'(2i10,2i6,i3,i2,i3,2i4,3i3,2i6,2i7,2i4,i11 . ,3i6,6i3,5i6,5i4,i3,9i2,2i3,i10,i4,i7,i4,i7)') . (alls(i,j),j=1,53), alls(i,58),alls(i,59) ELSEIF (fmto.EQ.2) THEN ran = alls(i,54) / 3.6d6 ! updated mas -> degree dcn = alls(i,55) / 3.6d6 ! updated mas -> degree magm= alls(i, 3) * 1.0d-3 maga= alls(i, 4) * 1.0d-3 epr = alls(i,13) * 1.0d-2 + 1900.0d0 epd = alls(i,14) * 1.0d-2 + 1900.0d0 pmrc= alls(i,15) * 0.1d0 pmd = alls(i,16) * 0.1d0 epmr= alls(i,17) * 0.1d0 epmd= alls(i,18) * 0.1d0 WRITE (uo,'(f11.7,f12.7,2f6.2,2i4,2f8.2 . ,2f7.1,2f5.1,i10,i4,i7)') . ran,dcn,magm,maga, alls(i,56),alls(i,57), epr,epd . ,pmrc,pmd, epmr,epmd, alls(i,51),alls(i,58),alls(i,59) ELSEIF (fmto.EQ.3) THEN ran = alls(i,54) * 1.0d-3 ! updated pos. mas -> arcsec dcn = alls(i,55) * 1.0d-3 ! updated pos. mas -> arcsec magm= alls(i, 3) * 1.0d-3 maga= alls(i, 4) * 1.0d-3 magj= alls(i,20) * 1.0d-3 ! from 2MASS magh= alls(i,21) * 1.0d-3 magk= alls(i,22) * 1.0d-3 magb= alls(i,29) * 1.0d-3 ! APASS mags magv= alls(i,30) * 1.0d-3 magg= alls(i,31) * 1.0d-3 magr= alls(i,32) * 1.0d-3 magi= alls(i,33) * 1.0d-3 CALL as2hms (ran,dcn,cra,cdc) WRITE (uo,'(a,1x,a,2i4,3i3,10f7.3,i10,i4,i7)') . cra,cdc,alls(i,56),alls(i,57),alls(i,10),alls(i,11),alls(i,12) . ,magm,maga,magj,magh,magk,magb,magv,magg,magr,magi, alls(i,51) . ,alls(i,58),alls(i,59) ELSEIF (fmto.EQ.4) THEN ran = alls(i,54) / 5.4d7 ! updated mas -> hour dcn = alls(i,55) / 3.6d6 ! updated mas -> degree maga= alls(i, 4) * 1.0d-3 WRITE (uo,'(f11.8,f12.7,f6.2,2i4,i4,i7)') . ran,dcn,maga, alls(i,56),alls(i,57), alls(i,58),alls(i,59) ELSEIF (fmto.EQ.5) THEN nrj = 0 spd = alls(i,55) + 324000000 ep97= IDNINT ((newep-1997.0)*1.0d3) nmag= 1 area= 9 wdsf= 0 dnn = 100 hstf= 0 badf= 0 WRITE (uo,'(i10,1x,i9,4(1x,i4),4(1x,i3),1x,i5,2(1x,i5) . ,2(1x,i4),2(1x,i2),1x,i4,2(1x,i2),1x,i5 . ,2(1x,i2),1x,i5)') . alls(i,54),spd, alls(i,8),alls(i,9) . ,alls(i,56),alls(i,57), alls(i,10),alls(i,11), nrj . ,alls(i, 6),ep97, alls(i,3), alls(i,4),alls(i,5),alls(i,5) . ,nmag,nmag,area, alls(i,7),wdsf,dnn,hstf,badf . ,alls(i,3)-alls(i,4) ENDIF ! case fmto ENDDO ! all stars END ! subr. ************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE pos_up (ra,spd,pmra,pmdc,newep, ran,dcn) C C update position for proper motion with epoch difference C C input : ra, spd = RA, SPD (mas) at J2000 epoch assumed C pmra,pmdc = proper motion RA, Dec (0.1 mas/yr) C no cos(Dec) for pmra, i.e. large values near pole C newep = new epoch (year) C output: ran,dcn = RA, Dec (mas) at new epoch IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER ra,spd,pmra,pmdc,ran,dcn REAL*8 newep, dt, dra, ddc dt = newep - 2000.0d0 dra = DFLOAT(pmra) * 0.1d0 * dt ddc = DFLOAT(pmdc) * 0.1d0 * dt ran = ra + IDNINT (dra) IF (ran.GT.1296000000) ran = ran - 1296000000 ! 24 hour in mas IF (ran.LT. 0) ran = ran + 1296000000 ! restrict to 0..24 range dcn = spd - 324000000 + IDNINT (ddc) ! assume no jump over pole CC WRITE (20,'(a,f9.3,2f9.1)') 'pos_up: dt,dra,ddc = ',dt,dra,ddc END ! subr. ************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE pos_error (sigx,sigy,cepx,cepy,spmx,spmy,newep . ,sxn,syn) C C calculate position error at new epoch C C x = RA * cosDec, y = Dec component C C input : sigx, sigy = position error (mas) at central epoch C cepx, cepy = central epoch (1/100 yr after 1900) C spmx, spmy = error of proper motion component (0.1 mas/yr) C newep = requested epoch for position error (year) C output: sxn, syn = position error at new epoch (mas) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER sigx,sigy, spmx,spmy, cepx,cepy, sxn,syn REAL*8 newep, dtx,dty dtx = newep - DFLOAT(cepx) * 1.0d-2 - 1900.0d0 dty = newep - DFLOAT(cepy) * 1.0d-2 - 1900.0d0 sxn = IDNINT (DSQRT (sigx**2 + (spmx * 0.1d0 * dtx)**2)) syn = IDNINT (DSQRT (sigy**2 + (spmy * 0.1d0 * dty)**2)) CC WRITE (20,'(a,2f9.3)') 'pos_error: dtx,dty = ',dtx,dty END ! subr. ************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE apply_pm (idat,newep,masrad, ran,dcn,sxn,syn) C C input : idat = integer vector with original UCAC2 data for 1 star C newep= requested new epoch (year) C masrad = convert mas to radian C output: ran, dcn = new position, updated for proper motion (mas) C sxn, syn = error of new position (at new epoch) (mas) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER idat(25), ran,dcn,sxn,syn, pmra REAL*8 newep, masrad, dec,cosd dec = DFLOAT(idat(2)-324000000) ! SPD [mas] -> Dec [mas] cosd = DCOS (dec*masrad) pmra = IDNINT (idat(15)/cosd) ! PM RA (without cosDec factor) CALL pos_up (idat(1),idat(2),pmra,idat(16),newep, ran,dcn) CALL pos_error (idat( 8),idat( 9), idat(13),idat(14) . ,idat(17),idat(18), newep, sxn,syn) END ! subr. ************************************************************************